+44 (0)800 193 3277
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Orchestrate Health is a private pay healthcare company and works outside of the NHS

Stress Management and CBT

Stress is one of the most common, yet most destructive emotional states we experience.

It can come from everyday life, relationships, work deadlines, or simply spreading ourselves too thin. Or you can feel stressed over more significant problems such as aging parents, medical illnesses, or community violence.

Whatever the case may be, stress is a condition that when left untreated affects every area of your life, ranging from your physical/mental health, your internal thoughts, your feelings, and ultimately your behaviour.

So, what can we do about this? Whilst some at home tips are incredibly useful, often those experiencing chronic or severe stress need professional help. This is where CBT comes in.


What Is Stress?

Life would be easy if all our needs were instantly satisfied, right? However, many personal and environmental obstacles get in our way, forcing us to adjust, leaving us feeling overwhelmed or beyond the point of our normal coping resources. Once this happens, we experience the psychological phenomenon of stress.

Any external influence is called a stressor. Think of a successful football player that suffers an injury. That injury is now the stressor – causing him a great deal of stress.

It is important to note that stress is a flexible and dynamic state, as it reflects the relationship between yourself and your stressors and can change over time.


Why Do Some People Experience Unhealthy Stress Levels Higher Than Others?

As mentioned, everyone experiences stress at times. However, unhealthy stress levels can arise when we ignore it or do not recognise it as a problem. Some people do not feel their stress is damaging until symptoms begin to arise.

In addition, some people are more prone to feeling higher amounts of stress. If you had a particularly stressful or chaotic childhood, you could think of it as layers upon layers of stress over time, gradually making your body more reactive to every additional scenario.

In other cases, race and ethnicity play a major role as stress and other negative emotional problems and trauma can be passed down through generations.


Symptoms Of Unhealthy Stress Levels

Since stress is not black or white, the warning signs that you may be reaching a potentially unhealthy level of stress can vary. Every person is unique and the way they experience symptoms of stress look different based on the root cause of their stress, any environmental factors, their childhood trauma, or their physical predisposition.

Here are a few of the most common warning signs that you may be living in an unhealthy state of stress:


  • Damaged immune system (getting sick often)
  • Headaches
  • Stomach aches
  • Muscle tension
  • Exhaustion
  • Weight changes (either direction)
  • Sleep difficulties
  • Sweating or trembling
  • Hypertension
  • Diarrhoea / constipation
  • Sexual difficulties
  • Back pain or other bodily aches
  • Restlessness


  • Shallow or restricted breathing
  • Cigarette smoking
  • Procrastination
  • Hurrying
  • Using alcohol or substances to cope
  • Unhealthy eating patterns
  • Conflicts with those close to you
  • Isolation
  • Decreased productivity or motivation


  • Indecisiveness
  • Crying spells
  • Feeling out of control
  • Loss of sense of humour
  • Little or poor concentration
  • Irritability
  • Decreased emotional regulation
  • Often feeling worried or overwhelmed
  • Forgetfulness
  • Anxiety
  • Depression

When stress isn’t addressed, it can wreak havoc on our bodies. It is not uncommon to catch a cold or other sicknesses during times of peak stress; this is because the emotions associated with stress interfere with our body’s physical defences, putting our health at risk.

It is all one big mind-body interconnected system.


How Can Cognitive Behavioural Therapy Help with Stress?

Our brains are the most technologically advanced machines on the planet. We just need to understand how to harness the power they hold.

Is it true that once we slow down and take time to enjoy life, we automatically set ourselves up for a happier life? This may be the case, but our thoughts hold us back. Our thoughts trigger an emotion. This emotion then triggers a bodily reaction. From there, these two heightened states influence our perception of reality and therefore dictate our behaviours.

Once we acknowledge that our thoughts are not always the truth, and we address them head on, we can quite literally rewire our brain to think in healthier, more positive ways.


What Is Cognitive Behavioural Therapy?

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, or CBT for short, is a method of treatment used in a wide variety of emotional ailments. Anxiety, depression, and eating disorders, to name a few.

In CBT, the main idea is that individuals regulate their behaviour, process their emotions, and perceive the world based on their internal thoughts. However, our thoughts can easily turn into negative thinking patterns and become distorted, based on our past experiences. This can lead to chronic stress and unhealthy emotions and behaviour.

CBT utilises the relationship between a therapist and client to address any problematic thoughts, actions, or circumstances that may be causing them stress. From there, a plan is developed to modify and improve coping mechanisms, stop negative thoughts in their tracks, and redirect unhealthy internal monologues into healthier ones.


How CBT Targets Stress

Whilst your therapist allows you to talk freely, they may ask questions to get a better understanding of your life. As they do so, they will listen intently and identify any areas that may be causing or worsening your chronic stress. Your therapist will help you take a good look at any circumstances to help you see another perspective or see the problem for what it really is.

Not only this, they can help you identify when your thoughts are becoming problematic and how you can redirect them to better a situation or cope with obstacles in a healthier way. You will learn methods to help stop those thoughts in their tracks and redirect them onto a more productive path.


Benefits of CBT for Stress
  • Gain a better understanding of why certain situations create a stress response within you
  • Address unhealthy thinking and behaviour patterns that might be holding you back from feeling better
  • Learn new ways of thinking / behaving to help eliminate stressors
  • Learn coping strategies to help you overcome unavoidable circumstances that may be causing you stress
  • Increase your confidence and empower you to work through stressful situations in the future


Final Thoughts

One of the biggest misconceptions about stress is that it is caused by one singular event or circumstance. This is not the case. Stress is complex, messy, and can be from a lifetime of adverse experiences.

Since stress is such a grey area, it is completely normal and you are encouraged to seek professional help. Stress is one emotional state that when left untreated can cause sickness, mental health problems, relationship strains, decreased work performance, and much more.

Let CBT help you take back your life. You don’t have to live with chronic stress anymore.


Orchestrate Health offers bespoke mental health services that people can access from the comfort of their own home or within their community, with rapid response times and even daily visits if needed. Orchestrate Health can provide help for those struggling with stress, and remove the inconvenience of travelling to and from appointments.





We are here to help

Contact us to find the care you need today.

+44 (0)800 193 3277 or
[email protected]


Contact us today

If you would like to know more about how treatment could benefit you or your loved one please submit your details below.

+44 (0)800 193 3277 [email protected]

Orchestrate Health is a private pay healthcare company and therefore works outside of the NHS and CAMHS provision.

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Our professionals work alongside respected industry-specific organisations

Orchestrate Health is a trading name of Addcounsel Limited which is registered by the CQC.