Annika Lindberg
Professional Experience
Annika Lindberg specialises in Gambling addiction but has also worked extensively with chemical addictions, anxiety disorders and stress management. As part of her work with the above, she is well experienced in helping individuals with a background of trauma, low-self worth and significant relationship difficulties.
Annika is extremely passionate about her work and takes a keen interest in each client’s individual situation. She often can’t wait to get into problem-solving and readjusting unhelpful behaviours, negative thinking habits and other factors that are contributing to a less-than-optimal existence.
Annika uses evidence-based, highly effective methods that are derived from a variety of scientific models. Her work is mainly based on Cognitive Behaviour Therapy/Metacognitive and ACT techniques but also integrates attachment psychology and other relevant therapeutic modalities depending on the needs of the client. In sessions, she spends a lot of time educating my clients about their problems and/or condition so that they will understand how to help themselves after our sessions come to an end. In her 20 years of working with addictions, Annika Lindberg knows to deliver straight, honest and effective interventions with care and compassion as well as a sense of humour.
Career Highlights

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