Anorexia Nervosa Treatment at Home
Eating disorders can have an immense impact on our wellbeing. The psychological effects and obsessional aspects come to dominate our lives and leave us feeling like there is no way out. Dangerous eating habits can also threaten our physical health.
Anorexia nervosa is a serious eating disorder that can be life threatening if left untreated. It is characterised by a significant reduction in food consumption, leading to extremely low body weight. The individual has a distorted body image, thinking they are overweight, and have an intense fear of weight gain.
If you think that you may be suffering from this condition, please carry out our anorexia eating disorder self-assessment test.
Please get in touch with Orchestrate Health today to learn more about receiving anorexia nervosa treatment at home for you or a loved one.
Orchestrate Health is a private pay service and works outside of the NHS. We are committed to ensuring patients receive the highest standards of care available.
Causes and Risk Factors of Anorexia Nervosa
There is no definite cause of anorexia nervosa; however, research continues to explore possible causes and risk factors. It is generally accepted that it is rooted in a strong dissatisfaction with one’s appearance, an obsession with weight loss and low self-esteem. However, researchers believe there is a combination of factors, including genetic, psychological, and sociocultural.
Research suggests that individuals with family members who have anorexia nervosa may be genetically predisposed to developing the disorder, particularly if it is a close relative such as a parent or sibling. This is due to brain chemistry, as individuals with anorexia often have high levels of cortisol in their brains. Cortisol is a hormone which is typically related to stress and anxiety, and an imbalance could explain why individuals with anorexia display character traits such as low self-worth and obsessive-compulsive tendencies.
Psychological and emotional causes are believed to contribute to the onset of anorexia nervosa. These include:
- Vulnerable to depression and anxiety
- Negative personality traits such perfectionism and extremely high standards in all aspects of life
- Self-criticism
- Low self-esteem
- Worrying about the future
- A belief that their eating habits can be controlled, resulting in temporary relief from anxiety
- A fear of being seen as fat or overweight
Sociocultural factors are often attributed to the development of anorexia nervosas. Western society values have been linked to the pursuit of the ‘ideal body’ as a measure of success. Messages promoting unrealistic standards, including one’s appearance can trigger eating disorders, such as anorexia.
Additional influences include:
- Difficult family relationships
- Social media pressure
- ‘Pro-anorexia’ websites
- Bullying and teasing
- Pressure at school or work
- Childhood abuse (physical, sexual, or psychological)
None of the above risk factors work in isolation, but typically interact with each other in the development of the disorder.
Relevant Reading
- The Effects of Anorexia Nervosa on the Body and its Treatment
- Eating Disorders – What you Need to Know
Symptoms of Anorexia Nervosa
Symptoms of anorexia nervosa can vary between, but the below behaviours are typical warning signs of the disorder:
- Extremely low body weight
- Frequently weighing themselves
- Hunger denial
- Anxiety around mealtimes and social activities
- Food rituals such as prolonged chewing and cutting food into very small pieces
- Excessive exercising and dieting
- Fatigue
- Abdominal pain
- Hair loss
- Dry and brittle nails
Long-term Complications of Anorexia Nervosa
If left untreated, anorexia can be fatal. An individual with long-term anorexia may experience serious side-effects, including:
- Heart failure due to extremely low blood pressure and heart rate
- Neurological problems
- Kidney problems
- Thyroid issues
- Anaemia (a lack of red blood cells)
- An increased risk of developing serious infections due to a decrease in white blood cells
- Osteoporosis (thinning bones)
- Fine hair growth over the body (lanugo)
- Loss of menstruation in women (amenorrhea)
- A lowering of testosterone in men
- Muscle wastage
- Poor dental health
- Death from health complications
We are here to help
Contact us to find the care you need today.
+44 (0)800 193 3277 or
[email protected]
Treatment for Anorexia Nervosa
We know that time is of the essence when addressing eating disorders, especially anorexia nervosa. We offer rapid diagnosis with our expert psychiatrists within 24 hours of being contacted, so that we can formulate a bespoke treatment package.
Psychological Intervention
Therapy for eating disorders can help you unpick negative thinking patterns around food and body image, along with teaching you how to cope with urges and cravings in a healthy way. Often, the root cause of eating disorders is in our past and can be related to trauma. Our highly trained therapists can help you gain an understanding of your condition and help you set realistic, achievable goals.
Nutritional Intervention
Our highly trained dieticians can help develop a plan to reach your healthy eating goals and to sustain them in the long-term. They can help you work towards a healthy weight, help you practice meal planning, and help correct any physical issues that your condition may have caused.
If it is found that your eating disorder is linked to an underlying mental health condition such as depression or anxiety, we may use medication that will add to your therapeutic experience. We can also prescribe medication for any physical health problems caused by your eating disorder.
Stepped Care: The Personalised Approach to Anorexia Nervosa Treatment at Home
Anorexia Nervosa intervention is about more than just food and our appearance – it is about getting to the root cause of the problem. At Orchestrate Health, we offer customised eating disorder care packages, delivered using the Stepped Care model.
Stepped Care ensures that you only get the level of treatment you need at that precise moment. If you need high-level, live-in support we can accommodate that, or if you just need a therapist to check in with once per week, we’re happy to provide that too.
Our team includes:
- Psychiatrists
- Psychologists
- Mental Health Nurses
- Social Workers
- Support Workers

Reach Out for Help Now
If you or a loved one are being held back by anorexia nervosa, Orchestrate Health’s team are here to help.
We deliver rapid assessments carried out at home by one of our psychiatric professionals, followed by a uniquely tailored care plan that best suits your needs.
Contact us today for a free eating disorder assessment and start living the first days of your new life.
Orchestrate Health is a private pay service and works outside of the NHS. We are committed to ensuring patients receive the highest standards of care available.
To get in touch regarding our anorexia nervosa treatment at home, please call us on 0800 193 3277 or email us here